Supercharging Staffing and Retirement Savings for America's Federal Contracting Workforce

As a woman-owned small disadvantaged business, STEM Resource Professionals has been providing development, design, integration and operational support on large-scale government IT systems for more than 20 years. STEM associates are responsible for maintaining system stability, spearheading infrastructure upgrade efforts and reducing Total-Cost-of-Ownership across the Enterprise. STEM’s unique business model focuses on providing an infrastructure that allows talented, dedicated professionals and clients to work together.
With a comprehensive range of services, STEM Resource Professionals can guarantee your technology needs are not just met, but exceeded. We work closely with our clients to create customized plans that are seamlessly integrated, effective and sustainable for many years to come. Reach out today to see how we can help.
STEM Teams with Government Prime Vendors and Contractors to staff a broad range of talent from communities of technical and functional expertise. Our unique staffing and retirement savings model reduces the long-term retirement savings challenges facing our nation.
Solving America's Retirement Savings Crisis -- Supercharge with STEM
Understanding the Issue:
Less than 5% of the workforce has access to pensions
Average 401k Balance by Age (Vanguard)
65+, $232,710 (Average), $70,620 (Median)
55-64, $207,874 (Average), $71,168 (Median)
45-54, $142,069 (Average), $48,301 (Median)
35-44, $76,354 (Average), $28,318 (Median)
25-34, $30,017 (Average), $11,357 (Median)
<25, $5,236 (Average), $1,948 (Median)
4% Retirement Withdrawal Rule against each age group illustrates that America is unprepared
STEM provides the opportunity to max-out 401k savings up to IRS limits for everyone:
Below 50 years of age – 2024 -- $69,000
50 years and older –2024 -- $76,500

Traditional 401k Model vs STEM 401k Model Hypothetical Values - 10 Years
Initial Investment/Starting Value: $0
Monthly Contribution for Traditional 401k Model: $1,916.67 ($23,000/yr)
Monthly Contribution for STEM 401k Model: $5,750 ($69,000/yr)
Length of Time in Years for Contributions: 10
Estimated Rate of Return (2% Variance): 8%
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Traditional 401k Model vs STEM 401k Model Hypothetical Values - 20 Years
Initial Investment/Starting Value: $0
Monthly Contribution for Traditional 401k Model: $1,916.67 ($23,000/yr)
Monthly Contribution for STEM 401k Model: $5,750 ($69,000/yr)
Length of Time in Years for Contributions: 20
Estimated Rate of Return (2% Variance): 8%
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Traditional 401k Model vs STEM 401k Model Hypothetical Values - 30 Years
Initial Investment/Starting Value: $0
Monthly Contribution for Traditional 401k Model: $1,916.67 ($23,000/yr)
Monthly Contribution for STEM 401k Model: $5,750 ($69,000/yr)
Length of Time in Years for Contributions: 30
Estimated Rate of Return (2% Variance): 8%
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